Agrogoti Sangstha - All Projects

Project Name : To training on information technology for adolescent to skill development project

Doner : Bangladesh NGO foundation

Sector : Capacity Building

Area : Satkhira District-Kaligonj Upzilla

Time Line : August'2018 to July'2019

Brief of activities :

·         Activities:

           Facilitate participation of community in awareness raising meeting, campaigns and advocacy initiatives

·         Training on capacity building to IT with adolescent  people

·         Group counseling with adolescent and parents

·         Training on child safeguard policy and CR monitoring

           IGA distribution

Project Name : Strengthening Community Rights and Empowerment (SCORE)

Doner : Manusher Jonno Foundation & DFID

Sector : Good Governance

Area : Satkhira Sadar Upazilla,Kalaroa Upazilla,Kaliganj Upazilla

Time Line : January,2019 to December,2021

Brief of activities :

Alignment with Programmatic areas of MJF:

§  PStrengthening  Public  Institutions  

Executive summary:

§ Rationale: The socially excluded people specially the women have less access to entrance and participate in local development procedures and deprived from their entitlement and government services. LGI Act-2009 is not proper functioning with transparency and accountability as well as the community participation is not satisfactorily ensured. There is lacking of coordination between Local Government (LG) and Public Service Delivery Agencies (PSDA) as a result excluded people are deprived from the public services.

§ Goal: Poor marginalized and vulnerable people enjoy better quality of life in a well governed institutional environment.


1.LGI and PSDA practiced transparency and accountability in decision regarding services resources and opportunities for women, marginalized and socially excluded section.

2.Civic engagement ensured capability of Women, marginalized and socially excluded peoples in access to service delivery.  

3.Social accountability tools including Right to Information (RTI) are popularly used by community, LGI and PSDA.


Output 01.1: Institutional capacity enhanced of LGI and PSDA in responding citizen demand.

Output 2.1: Civic engagement Increased in the LGI and PSDA decision making process through inclusive Shamajik Uddog Forum (SUF)

Output 2.2: LGI and PSDA services are more accessible by the Women, marginalized and socially excluded people using SA tools

Output 3.1: Increased use of RTI by the Women, marginalized and socially excluded people in access to services.

Output:04 Developed Project Management capacity to keep the project in right track with efficient intervention.

Major activities:

1. Organize Ward shava.2.Organize Open budget declaration of Union, municipality and Upazila. 3. Organize Union Development Coordination Committee Meeting (UDCCM) 4.Five Years plan develop at LGI 5.Organize LEBs Training on the roles & functions of LGI as per LG Act. 6. Formation of inclusive Shamajik Uddog Forum (SUF) at ward, Union, Municipality, Upazilla and district level.7.Organize Meeting with SUF at ward Union, Municipality, Upazilla and district level. 8. Organize exchange Visit with intra and inter groups. 9. Organize social initiative festival 10.Apply Community Score Card (CSC) to asses' quality of Services. 11. Support to organize regular standing committee meeting. 12. Local service monitoring13. Organize Dialogue with Social Safety net, Health, Safe drinking water and Agriculture at UP, Upazilla and District level. 14. Developed Citizen Charter 15. Organize Public Hearing 16. Conduct UP governance performance assessment. 17.Formation of Grievance Redress System (GRS) committee at UP and Upazila  18. GRS Committee meeting at UP and Upazila. 19. Organize Sharing Meeting on RTI with SUF. 20. Organize Orientation on RTI with LGI and PSDA representative.   21. Observing RTI Day

Direct beneficiaries: 12470 person.

Major Stakeholders: District administration, Upazilla parishad, Social welfare department, Women affairs directorate, Agricultural Department like fisheries and livestock, Health Department, Primary Health Care service delivery institute like Community Clinic, Health sub center, Upazilla health and family welfare center, Department of Health and Family Planning Upazilla and district level,  UP, Water and Sanitation services in public health,  Municipality, Social security Services, Non-Government Organization (NGO), Community Platform, Local Media. 

Project Name : Promoting Engagement & Action for Countering Extremism (PEACH) Consortium

Doner : GCERF & Rupantar

Sector : Human Rights

Area : Satkhira District-All upazilla

Time Line : September'2016 to March'2019

Brief of activities :

Project Goal:PEACE Consortium & Violence free society fostering peace & harmony.

Project Object:The consortium’s mission is to facilitate the processes to foster peace and social harmony maintaining secular and syncretic culture where targeted communities autonomously perform to prevent as well as counter radicalization and recruitment for extremism. 

Outcome:Peace consortium intends that the adolescents aged up to 14, vulnerable to be recruited and purposefully used for radicalization become aware of as well recognize the threats of radicalization, intolerance, disrespect and engage in activities to create a pluralistic society by increasing their knowledge and improve themselves to protect from being victim in collaboration with other socio-cultural elements in the geographical locations they live in along with becoming able to support the community to put an end on recruitment process.

Intervention:The consortium uses culture and sports through arranging tournament and competitions, which work both lines–deepening engagement and also increase tolerance- by accepting the defeat and congratulating the winners. Cultural and sports events for the adolescents focusing the theme of social harmony to strengthen stronger bondage among themselves will affect the vulnerable adolescents being target of radicalization. The selected teachers and student leaders will be mentored to transform themselves as the change agents to intervene with this specific age group population.

Project Name : Sexual Exploitation of Children online and in travel and Tourism.

Doner : TDH Netherlands & Ain O Salish Kendra (ASK)

Sector : Child Protection

Area : Satkhira Sadar Upzilla & Kaligonj Upazilla

Time Line : January,2016 to December,2019

Brief of activities :

Project Goal:  The overall goal of the project is to protect children from online sexual exploitation and in travel and tourism, visualizing the issue at national and international level through research, advocacy and awareness.

Project Objectives:

·        To incorporate the handbook of safe internet in the text book.

·        To sensitize the community leader on online sexual exploitation issues.

·        To sensitize the local media for advocating the children’s rights

·        To increase the knowledge of private sector on benefit of child friendly environment. 

Targeted Beneficiaries:

Children who are the victim of sexual exploitation, Children at risk, Child rights defender forum, parents group are the direct beneficiaries of this project. ICT service providing organization, local govt., journalist association, law enforcement agency, district administration, policy makers, regional and national child rights network,  educational institution are indirect beneficiaries.

Direct Beneficiaries: 3007

Indirect Beneficiaries:  4015

Major Activities:

·         Facilitate participation of community in awareness raising meeting, campaigns and advocacy initiatives

·         Workshop with adolescent and youth people

·         Arrange training workshop with formal high school adolescent and youth.

·         Arrange workshop with parents

·         Arrange Consultation meeting with School Teacher

·         Group counseling with adolescent and parents

·         Perform issue based drama at community level

·         Take immediate steps to protest sexual exploitation of children

·         Lobby with union perished to stop rural urban unsafe migration

·         Training on child safeguard policy and CR monitoring

·         Identify school and arrange briefing meeting to introduce hand book in the school.

·         Arrange meeting with media personnel

·         Publish article and provide fellowship

·         Lobby with ICT service providing organization to create safe space for the children in the local cyber zone.

Project Name : Sustain Intervenation to Prevent Human Trafficking & to Promote Safe Migration Project (SUSTAIN)

Doner : USAID & Winrock International ,

Sector : Human Trafficking

Area : Satkhira District :Satkhira Sadar Upz,Kolaroa Upz,Syamnagar Upz,Kaligonj Upz,Khulna District:Rupsha Upz

Time Line : May,2015 to August'2020

Brief of activities :

Project Goal:

People are enjoyed  better human rights  protected from human trafficking and unsafe migration.  

Project objectives

Objective 01.  Strengthen capacity of communities to recognize factors of Human Trafficking, unsafe migration and child marriage and take effective action prevent functioning elements.

Objective 02. Improve capacity of the relevant institutions on their proactive role as per NPA.

Objective 03.  Establish an effective networking and partnership among the relevant institutions to accelerate appropriate services for the reference group. 

Objective 04.  Increase involvement of the PSDA, duty bearer and social actors for child marriage prevention and contribute to the society for social peace and harmony.    

OUTPUT 1.1: The youth have been mobilized and capacitated who played key role in the community to prevent TIP and facilitate safe migration education encouraging local initiatives for establishing social peace and harmony.

Project Name : Practical Training and Resource Centre (PTRC)

Doner : Agrogoti Sangstha

Sector : Organizational sustainability

Area : Satkhira Dist

Time Line : N/A

Brief of activities :

Description:The training centre established as the resource of organization what the main income source for organizational sustainability. There are 16 rooms are available where 40 persons will be accommodated. Six air conditioned double and single deluxe room can be accommodated 10 persons. 01 air conditioned and well decorated training venue is available where 60 persons can easily accommodate. We have 01 special meeting room where 20 persons can easily accommodate. The wider dining room can accommodated 50 persons at a time. Other organization can hire the centre for the training and other purpose. 

Project Name : Adolescent Resource Centre (ARC)

Doner : Agrogoti Sangstha

Sector : Capacity Development

Area : Kaligonj

Time Line : N/A

Brief of activities :

Description:The centre was established in the year of 2005 as the club for the adolescent girls at the rural area.  Now 400 adolescent girls are the members of the centre. The adolescent receive facilities on continue education, IGA training and support, cultural performance, reproductive health support, computer, mobile servicing and  tailoring training. A special working committee  has been functioning at the centre as the sister concern institution of Agrogoti.

The centre has been playing vital role on different social issues and sensitize movement for social changes.