BARCIK - All Projects
Project Name : Strengthening the resilience of the poorest population to the impacts of climate change in Bangladesh (PORIBESH)
Doner : NETZ Partnership for Development and Justice (NETZ)
Sector : Climate Change
Area : Shyamnagar and Assasuni
Time Line : 01.09.2021 to 31.12.2024
Brief of activities :
Overall objective (Impact): Marginalised and climate change-affected people in western Bangladesh have built climate-resilient livelihoods and local civil society is strengthened to protect and promote the rights of marginalised groups.
Project goal (Outcome)
Over 42,000 marginalised people (10,600 families) in five districts of Bangladesh can effectively use their new skills to generate higher and climate-resilient incomes, improve their access to rights and public services, and engage in climate policy discourse with government agencies from local to national levels.
Sub-goal 1: 10,600 marginalised families have improved their capacities to profitably implement climate-resilient and diversified income generation activities.
Sub-goal 2: TheCSOs of the target group as well as local government institutions have improved their knowledge, strategies and readiness withregard to climate risk preparedness and disaster risk reduction.
Sub-goal 3: TheCSOs of the target group have developed and implemented strategies to claim their fundamental rights and to hold decision-makers accountable regarding access to public services and resources.
Sub-goal 4: The experiences and perspectives of affected communities at grassroots level on climate change and climate justice are documented, processed and shared with relevant policy makers, public service providers and the public from local to national level.
Project Name : Project on Advocacy on Youth Led Climate Change, Conflict Transformation and Resilience Building Programme
Doner : MISEREOR, Germany
Sector : Climate Change
Area : Shyamnagar
Time Line : 01.01.2022 to 31.12.2023
Brief of activities :
Project Name : PLDP(People led development process in Bangladesh)
Doner : MISEREOR, Germany and DIAKONIA, Sweeden
Sector : • Agro-biodiversity Conservations. • Food Security. • Indigenous Knowledge • Disaster risk reduction. • Climate Change. • Gender equality. • Peoples Led Development Initiatives
Area : 1. Satkhira(Satkhira Sadar and Shyamnagar upazila) 2.Rajshahi (Godagari, Poba and Tanor) 3. Manikgonj (Sadar, Singair, Ghior and Harirampur) 4. Netrokona(Sadar, Atpara, Madon,and Kolmakanda upazilla
Time Line : October 2020 - September 2023
Brief of activities :
Objectives of the Project
1: Developed greater social and natural cohesion through interdependent relationship on conservation of agricultural diversity, food security and sustainable development.
2: Increased sense of belonging and attachment with biological and cultural diversity among community including youths, senior citizens and people with physical disability.
3: Enhanced potential of public and community resources through collaborative initiatives.
The following Products/Outputs will be achieved:
1) Enhanced capacity of 80 staff members on issues related to agro-biodiversity, food Security, sustainable development, diversity, interdependence and pluralistic society;
2) Enhanced capacity of 40 community leaders on issues related to organizational management, leadership and facilitation;
3) Enhanced capacity of 80 staff and member of regional facilitation and monitoring team members on issues related to change monitoring and impact assessment;
4) Enhanced capacity of 20 staff members and volunteers on issues related to youths, senior citizens and persons with physical disability;
5) Enhanced understanding and sensitivity of 800 youths, volunteers and journalists on staff members and volunteers on issues related to youth, disaster risk reduction (DRR), senior citizens and persons with physical disability;
6) Developed and strengthened 344 local and regional coalitions of farmers, landless, non-
timber forest products users, fishers, youths and other occupational groups to claim and address rights;
7) 800 local varieties of rice, 15 pulses, 600 varieties of vegetables, 250 varieties of uncultivated food plants, 20 varieties of oil seeds, 30 varieties of spices, 10 varieties of local ducks and hens will be available at farmers’ hands;
8) 15 new varieties of rice through farmers’ led breeding are released and cultivated at farmers’ fields in some selected areas;
9) Community and local government partnership are established in at least 12 unions in 4 regions for peoples’ development;
10) 18 demonstrations, 18 dialogues and 60 cultural events held in 4 project sites for conservation of plants, animals and living things and other natural environment;
11) 10 demonstrations, 12 dialogues and 80 cultural events held in 4 project sites for promotion of rights of senior citizens and persons with physical disability;
12) 24 dialogues and 48 demonstrations held by youth and volunteer groups on different social and environmental issues;
13) 30 research reports published (online) and presented as policy advocacy and 18 lectures delivered on PLD process, diversity, interdependency and indigenous knowledge at regional and national level;
14) 600 news/features/news/features/articles/photo stories/video clips on diversity, agriculture, environment, climate change and peoples’ development are available in and 1 issue of Grassroots voice, 1 issue of Trinamul, Uddyog and 1 issue of Amader Paribesh published in printing form. These issues will also be available in on digital forms.