Basic Informations

We Are NGF

Nowabenki Gonomukhi Foundation is a non-profit, non political and non government social development organization working for improving lives of the poor by support and services including financial access through diverse development programme approach. The organization has been implementing development projects/programme with the effective partnership with Government Departments, Private Sectors, Company Agencies, Local and International NGOs and different Donors in related to sustainable livelihood, women empowerment, gender inclusiveness, different social issues, awareness & advocacy, improving livelihood practices, promotion of agricultural technology including livestock and fisheries, on farm and off farm technology, food security, health nutrition, integrated WASH, youth development and employment creation, climate change and adaptation, access to safe drinking water, social infrastructure, sub-sector wise value chain development and forward & backward market linkage and financial inclusion at different level of services. We believe that sustained poverty alleviation can be achieved only if the poor became involved efficient economic activities. So that our Moto is “Inclusive Empowerment for Sustainable Development” thus becomes imperative. Presently we are working in different parts of the country with an emphasis on south-west coastal region of Bangladesh.


NGF has registered in the following Govt. Departments/authorities;


  Registration Authority

Registration No.

Issue Date


 Department of Cooperative, Government of the peoples’ Republic of  Bangladesh




Department of Social Service, Government of the Peoples’ Republic of Bangladesh




Joint Stock Companies and Firms, Government of the Peoples’ Republic of Bangladesh




Micro credit Regulatory Authority




NGO Affairs Bureau (NGOAB) of the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh




PADOR (European Commission)

BD-2010-BRS-0805725275LEF ID



TIN Number

435-400-0647/Co.-2, Khulna



Vat No


Area Code: 30104



At national level, NGF has direct touch with three districts covering 13 sub-districts. Local competence is the key for sustainable programmes. That is why NGF always works through local people with local authorities. NGF is one of the leading organizations in Bangladesh and intervenes through 35 branches.




Shyamnagar,  Kaliganj, Debhata, Satkhira Sadar, Assasuni, Tala, and Kolaroa


Koyra,  Dumuria


Jhikargacha, Sarsa, Monirampur

Total: District-03


So far, NGF has been covered a significant number of clients through 20 development on-going projects which direct outreach 107,583 beneficiaries among them 96,035 are female.


Nowabenki Gonomukhi Foundation (NGF)

Nowabenki, Shyamnagar, Satkhira

Cell: +8801711218197, +8801971218197



Facebook: Ngf Net


NGF envisions a peaceful, equitable and prosperous Bangladesh where all people can explore their optimum opportunities, potentialities and live with self-reliance, dignity and diversified identity


NGF's mission is to support the vulnerable and excluded people for their sustainable development and improved livelihoods.

Core Values:

The Nowabenki Gonomukhi Foundation Strategic Plan holds us to the highest standards of ethics, integrity, service and fiduciary responsibility. This strategic plan is constructed to advance, uphold, and strengthen our vision, mission and core values. It translates our enduring ideals into tangible outcomes and pragmatic strategies. 

1. Integrity- We work with government, national and international organisations in the aid and development sectors and global private companies. We help our target population succeed in fragile and challenging environments through necessary support including building trust and giving a voice to local people.

2. Participation- We listen to & learn from our community and we address the root causes of community problems and mobilize local resources for the common goals.

3. Equity- We strive for equity and we focus primarily, but not exclusively, on people who are vulnerable.

4. Inclusiveness- We practice and champion inclusiveness in our community. We always acknowledge diverse strengths, needs, voices, and backgrounds of all members of our community.

5. Accountability- We serve as stewards for our community investments and honor the charitable and development intentions of our donors to meet current and future community needs.


The main objectives of NGF are aiming to address diverse people of the coastal areas and assess their capacity, needs and demand and provide financial and technical support and back stopping to the target people/client for strengthening capacity including resilience building, access to finance, climate change, technology transfer, agriculture development, women empowerment, gender mainstreaming, livelihood, food security, water, sanitation, health and hygiene promotion; Specific objectives are;

  • To encourage sustainable agriculture practices, business development and value chain development works including nurseries development, fattening, trading, marketing and service market development on different subsector;. 
  • To support people on promoting saline tolerant crops, vegetable and diversification and non- agriculture value chain development works participating coastal farmers.
  • To enhance farmers capacity on integrated fisheries, agriculture and mixed farming technologies like
    • carp-golda, vegetable-fish etc and homestead farming and services
    • trade based Skill development and job placement for youth and women
    • local resource based entrepreneurship development
    • skill development for the service providers, and business association
  • To facilitate and encourage investment for large scale business interventions and enterprises development and back stopping support for their sustainability.
  • To sensitizing the local community, capacity building CBOs, ethnic community, mobilizing stakeholders, market actors, engage private sectors, govt. departments and others for easy access to information & services.
  • To promote homestead based off farm business enterprises through transfer of technical knowhow, business skills, logistics and raw materials by service providers/marketers.
  • To introduce new business model, financial products with services to the poor women, youth and adolescent for promoting women focused economic development, women empowerment, youth entrepreneurship and adolescent development.
  • To initiate local level research works for climate adaptive agro business investment, resilient infrastructure and knowledge management
  • To facilitate need based skill development training for the community people for developing business ideas, or adopting existing climate adaptive business practices in related to agriculture, fisheries, livestock and off farm business participating climate victims and migrants.
  • To promote  new technologies on WASH facilities at the high saline areas by developing community managed WASH infrastructure.
  • Introduction of sanitation technology and marketing and enabling business environment for private sector to introduce sanitation technology and marketing
  • Community based WASH enterprises models development through
  • Capacity building of WASH related service providers aiming to ensure better services for protection and maintenance of existing WASH facilities in the areas.
  • To initiate large scale disaster resilient infrastructure development works like;Reconstruction of embankment
  • Local & national adaptation plan of actions
  • Investment in WASH infrastructure

Major Activities

NGF is commencing its programme to eradicate extreme poverty from the south-west part of Bangladesh. Being a social development organization NGF focuses on health, nutrition, agricultural, livestock, off-farm activity, health sector, climate resilient activity to uplift the livelihood of the target people.

At a Glance Development Programme Forecast:

Agricultural sector

Health, Education & Nutrition

Climate change & Disaster response

Sustainable energy sector

Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)

Micro Finance


Sustainable Agricultural practices, Technology Commercialization, subsector development,

Fisheries subsector,

Livestock subsector and

Off-farm activities

Probin Health Care, Primary health service

Post natal and ante natal services


Disaster mitigation

Emergency response

Disaster preparedness

Climate awareness


Home solar system

Household solar system,


Access to safe drinking water for all, Water Supply through desalination water plant,

Sanitation support, facilities/service provider development and

Hygiene promotion


RMC, Buniad, Jagoron, Sufalon, Micro Enterprise,  Ultra poor, Seasonal loan, Housing, Disaster loan, Asset Creation Loan, Rescue Loan


  • ESRB-Environmental and Social Responsible Business: NGF always takes initiatives considering the ESRB issues that create sustainable income and livelihoods opportunities of rural communities.
  • Gender equity, inclusiveness and empowerment: NGF facilitates different programme addressing mainstream gender equity, inclusiveness and empowerment.
  • DRR-Disaster Risk Reduction: NGF has strong team to execute DRR related hazard and ability to manage natural disaster in the project areas.

Head Office

Nowabenki Gonomukhi Foundation (NGF)

Nowabenki, Shyamnagar, Satkhira

Cell: +8801711218197, +8801971218197



Facebook: Ngf Net

Project Office

NGF has five project offices;

1. Nowabenki, Shyamnagar, Satkhira, Bangladesh

2. Callbari Bazar, Burugoalini, Shyamnagar, Satkhira

3. Bustandmore, Kaliganj, Satkhira

4. Amtola more, Polash pole, Satkhira Sadr, Satkhira

5. Pikegasa, Dumuria, Khulna

List of Excutive Body

  1. Md. Ekramul Kabir, Chairman
  2. Md. M. Kamruzzaman, Vice Chairman
  3. Md. Lutfor Rahman, Executive Director
  4. Md. Shafiqul Islam Gazi, Member
  5. Tanzi Yara Khatun, Member
  6. Saifunesa Akter, Member
  7. Md. Abul Bashar, Member
  8. Babu Abani Kumar Mondal, Member
  9. Md. Sobed Ali Par, Member

Chief of NGO

Name: Md. Lutfor Rahman

Designation: Executive Director

Phone & Mobile No. 01711218197 (01709890500)

Staff Strength

Staff category Male Female Total
Management and Supervision 10 2 12
Mid-level 43 7 50
Field Worker 265 122 387
Support Staff 35 15 50
Voluntaries 22 73 95

Infrastructure facilities:

Particulars Total Number
Furniture & Fixture 2075
Office Equipments 737
Land 15.5
Office Building 4
Microbus 1
Computer 51
Photo Copier 2
AC-Air Condition 8
Camera 10
Multimedia Project 3
Conference/Training Room 2
CC Camera 8
Generator 5
Refrigerator 3
Solar Panel 46

Network / Forum

Name of Network / Forum : Credit & Development forum (CDF)

Type : NGO Networking Organization

Website :

Name of Network / Forum : GlobalGiving Online Fund Raising Platform

Type : Crowed Funding Agency

Website :

Micro credit related information Last three years: (If necessary)

Financial year Amount of Savings Loan disbursement (Cumulative) Amount of Total fund (Tk)
2017-2018 166823752 10750147895 1183813806
2016-2017 338612806 9083400895 1877634875
2015-2016 293175512 7716077895 868311910

Project List ( Total Project : 13 )

Project Name : Integrated Agriculture Unit

Doner : PKSF

Sector : Agriculture

Area : Shymnogor & Kaligonj upazila under Satkhira District

Time Line : January 2014 to continue

Brief of activities :

To ensuring sustainable livelihood, NGF from its beginning emphasize the agro based technological knowledge development and industiries. In addition, to overcome the adverse effect of climate change and ensuring proper nutrition and maximum profit of the marginal farmers, NGF is implementing Integrated Agriculture Unit (IAU) program funded by PKSF since January'2014.

Project Name : Adolescent Program

Doner : NGF / PKSF

Sector : Youth Development

Area : Kaligonj under Satkhira district

Time Line : July,2019 to continue

Brief of activities :

The 'Program for Adolescents' has been in operation as a mainstream program since July 2019. With the motto of 'Investment in Adolescents for Sustainable Development', the program supports the formation of two adolecent club in each ward (one for boys and another for girls). NGF has 26 club in the area to operate the activities.

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