Basic Informations

Christian Commission for Development in Bangladesh (CCDB) was formed in 1973, as a national level voluntary organization, to complete the relief and rehabilitation work initiated in 1972, by Bangladesh Ecumenical Relief and Rehabilitation Services (BERRS), for responding the needs of the affected people during the war of independence in 1971 and to undertake development interventions.

Until 1975 CCDB mainly involved in massive relief and rehabilitation works that helped the war-ravaged people to a great extent in returning to a normal life. After that period, CCDB has increasingly emphasized in community and human development in the rural areas of Bangladesh. Huge investment was made on human resource development, but results were not achieved to the extent as expected.

During the late 1980's CCDB prepared first five-year plan and presented to the donors consortium. Main emphasis was given to unveil the human potentials through formal and non formal education. At the same time CCDB started focusing on people's participatory process to address the poverty. Sustainable development is not possible without putting the people at the center of development, CCDB extensively practiced people's participatory process since 1980. Some changes both at program and management level and many of the responsibilities were transferred to the People's institutions (PI).

Since 1996, CCDB again brought some changes in programs. It introduced People's Managed Savings and Credit Program (PMSC), to optimize the benefit of the poor people. In addition Community Health Program and Community Based Disaster Management were also incorporated as major development initiatives.

Christian Commission for Development in Bangladesh (CCDB) as an organization went through a number of change process in development phases, for responding to the emerging issues and in search for better alternatives, for meeting the needs of the poor.

CCDB has been a learning organization, focusing on people's needs and aspirations through projects and programs, addressing emergency needs, through relief, rehabilitation and reconstruction followed by development programs, focusing on human resource development toward self-reliance, collective growth and distributive justice for the promotion of good governance and peace through education, health, income generation through community managed organizations.

People have been the centre of all projects and programs taken. Their active participation has been the fundamental principle, where value based concepts, processes and practices are being emphasized. Over a period of four decades of operation in Bangladesh, CCDB has evolved in its approaches to achieve sustainable development.



CCDB-Climate Change Project Office:

Harinagar Road,

Munshiganj, Shyamnagar,


Cell phone no: 01718-314824.

Email address:



CCDB envisions a just and caring society, where poor people live in peace, with dignity and harmonious relationship with all of God's creations.


CCDB is mandated to work on the basis of ecumenical principles, to create a society where the poor, marginalized and vulnerable people can claim and enjoy their rights and seek justice for a sustainable livelihood.


  • Tolerance and mutual respect
  • Equity and justice
  • Transparency and accountability
  • Resource efficiency and cost effectiveness
  • Participation and inclusiveness
  • Environment friendly
  • Self-reliance and self-determination
  • Safety and security requiring


By the end of the project period the climate resilience of 5 selected village communities under the program is strengthened.


Major Activities

  1. Comprehensive Poverty Reduction Program
  2. Climate Change Program (Including Climate Tecnology Park, Sreepur, Gazipur)
  3. Micro Finance Program
  4. Agriculture and Seed Promotion Program
  5. Capacity Building for Promotion of Peace Program
  6. Carbon Emission Reduction Program
  7. Resettlement Program
  8. Regional Inter Agency Partnership.
  9. CCDB-HOPE Foundation.
  10. Improving Livelihood, Food Security and Reducing Carbon Emission through Bio-char Iniiatative. 
  11. Participatory Market System Development (PMSD)
  12. Agri Value Chain


Head Office

88, Senpara Parbatta, Mirpur-10 
Dhaka 1216, Bangladesh

Tel: (+880) 2-9020170-3
Fax: (+880) 2-9020227

Project Office

CCDB-Climate Change Project Office:

Harinagar Road,

Munshiganj, Shyamnagar,


Cell phone no: 01718-314824.

Email address:

List of Excutive Body

  1. Mr. David Anil Halder-Chairman
  2. Mr. Subodh Adhikari-Vice-Chairman
  3. Mr. Joyanta Adhikari-Ex-Officio Secretary
  4. Mrs. Sufia Akhter Rahman-Member
  5. Md. Abdul Quddus-Member
  6. Prof. Dr.Milton Biswas-Member
  7. Rev. Ashim Baroi-Member
  8. Rev. David A Das-Member
  9. Dr. Ipshita Biswas-Member

Chief of NGO

Name: Mr. Joyanta Adhikari

Designation: Executive Director

Phone & Mobile No. 88-02-9020170-3 (88-02-9020170-3)

Staff Strength

Staff category Male Female Total
Management and Supervision 1 0 1
Mid-level 0 1 1
Field Worker 2 2 4
Support Staff 1 0 1
Voluntaries 10 3 13

Infrastructure facilities:

Particulars Total Number
Office at Rented House 0

Network / Forum

Name of Network / Forum : Act alliance.

Type : International

Website : http://

Micro credit related information Last three years: (If necessary)

Financial year Amount of Savings Loan disbursement (Cumulative) Amount of Total fund (Tk)

Project List ( Total Project : 1 )

Project Name : Promoting Climate Resilient Development in Bangladesh (PCRDB).

Doner : Bread for the World & DKH (Germany).

Sector : Climate Change Adaption, Mitigation and Disaster Risk Reduction

Area : Burigoalini Union under Shyamnagar Sub-District.

Time Line : 1st January 2018- 31 December 2019

Brief of activities :

Activity C1-1: Establish & strengthening Climate Resilience Centre (CCRC). A management committee will be formed comprising male and female members from different occupational groups and social elites. Capacity development of the management committee of Community Climate Resilience Centre through training and exposure visit. Develop sector wise expert through training to provide adaptation solution to the local people. Establish participatory water governance system through Community Climate Resilience Center’s activities like developing local management system for drinking water resources.

1. Management Training: Five training will be provided  to twenty five members of  Community Climate resilience centers on organization management and financial management. Training module will be developed by the capacity development officer. A total number of 5 batches training will be organized.

2. Capacity Building and Exposure Visit: A total number of 5 exposure visit will be organized for executive members of the Climate Resilience Centers (5 members) to different forums of Comprehensive Poverty Reduction Program and Pollishree of Bread for the world partner, where field level staff will also participate.

3. Developing Local Expert: A total of 25  persons  will be trained on different climate related issue like agriculture, water, DRR and Advocacy sector, so that they become as  local expert in the community and can help people on the related matter.

4. Developing technology learning center: Five Technology Learning Centers will be formed to  showcase different climate adaptive technologies at local level for learning and wider dissemination.

5. Business Development for CCRC: The business development capacity of CCRC will be built through training. Farmers of the community will develop their production plan in the line with CCRC's plan for reducing the costs of inputs and proper marketing of the produces. Through this process both farmers and resilience centers will be able to increase their income. A total of 25 executive members will receive this training and five such training will be organized.

6. Yearly Community Consultation: Every year project will arrange community consultation with the community people, local government and government service providers to assess the outcome of the project activities to determine the future course of actions. A total number of six community consultation will be conducted.


Activity C1-2: Reducing community level vulnerabilities through DRR management activities. Equip CCRC with early warning materials and management. Maintain sluice gate and roads and embankments.

1. Risk Assessment and Baseline Survey (Training of field staff, FGD & data collection): Risk score of the target group will be reviewed as per revised risk assessment tool. Staff member will receive training on the revised risk assessment tool. The revised risk scores will be treated as baseline data.

2. Construction &Reconstruction of Roads and Embankments:  The infrastructural vulnerabilities of the project area has been identified by the Light House Project.  To reduce the exposure of the household to climatic extremes, roads and embankments will be reconstructed where community people will also contribute to some extent.

3. Training on Disaster Preparedness: Training will be imparted to 250 village volunteers on disaster preparedness through ten training. The module has already been developed by the CCDB in previous project phase, and the proposed project will follow the same module. These volunteers will be responsible for emergency evacuation, dissemination of information related to early warning and maintenance of cyclone shelters.

4. Equipment for weather forecasting dissemination: Relevant equipments for receiving weather forecast will be provided to CCRC so that the volunteers and CCRC members can disseminate the information to community people in emergency situation. 


Activity C1-3: Develop Local Level Adaptation Model by community people through awareness raising and climate education. Identify the community level vulnerabilities of the villages. Excavate and re excavation of canals and community level water reservoir for irrigation. Tree plantation, solar home systems & solar irrigation will be provided to foster low carbon development. Develop village based adaptation plan and submit to the local authority.

1. Organize meeting on climate change with target household:  Community consultation will be conducted with relevant stakeholders including target group to develop local adaptation plan.   A total of 200 meeting will be organized with different professional groups in different time for developing the plan.

2. Courtyard meeting on climate change problems: A total of 135 courtyard meeting will be organized on "climate change problems &solutions, gender dimension, etc. " at community level to develop awareness of the people to facilitate them for developing their own  climate resilient plan.

3. Teacher/Student/ Social Elite Meeting: A total of 40 meeting with Teacher and Students will be organized to educate children on climate change,  so that future generation of that community could be more climate sensitive.

4. Development and dissemination of IEC material: One printed IEC material and one video documentary will be developed during the project period to sensitize and educate people of the community.

5. Training on Gender and Climate Change: A total of 100 families (both husband & wife) will be trained on climate change/DRR and gender to change their attitude so that female person can take immediate decisions during disasters and save their life.

6. Advocacy Workshop Local Level: Five  Advocacy workshops at Local level will be organized to address the local problems and mainstreaming local adaptation plan.

7. Popular Theatre/ Pot song: Six Popular Theatre/Pot song will be organize to sensitize people for climate action and justice.

8. Advocacy Campaign: Six  Advocacy campaign ( like human chain ) will be organized for mass gathering and sensitizing the government for mainstreaming local adaptation plan.

9. Meeting with Upazila and Union Parishad: Quarterly Meeting with Local Government Institutions will be organized for development of local adaptation plan, ensuring safety net services for the poor and mainstreaming water resources management.


Activity C1-4:  To develop the economic strength of the poor,  high and medium risk families will get alternative livelihood trainings and input support to 280 households.

1. Provide alternative livelihood training and inputs: To develop the economic strength of the high and medium risk families, project will provide different alternative livelihood training and input supports to 280 households. So that these families will be able to generate income/ savings to respond in emergency situation.


Activity C1-5: Organize farmers groups and develop different agricultural adaptation models. Introduce more climate resilient crop varieties, cropping patterns and technologies including efficient irrigation management and solar irrigation systems. Test innovative technologies and soil salinity management.

1. Inputs and training for climate adaptive agriculture: Project will disseminate the proven agricultural adaptation technologies, saline tolerant crops and varieties in the community. So that farmers can get better production. A total of 400 farmers will be trained on different technologies and input supports will provided to enhance capacities.

2. Experiment for innovative technologies: A total of 20 different innovative adaptation technologies will be experimented at the community level based on local problem and context in association with agricultural departments and research institutions.

3. Demonstration of climate adaptive crops and cropping patterns: A total of 10 demonstration plot will be developed.

4. Experiment of Soil Salinity Management: An experiment will be set up for soil salinity management through organic material and biochar along with Bangladesh Agricultural University.

5. Equipments for organic agriculture, paddle thresher, solar seed drier and soil fertility measurement will be provided to the resilience centre and farmers will be able to use these equipments for better production. These equipments will help farmers for practicing climate adaptive agriculture.

6. Mini Pond Excavation and Canal re-excavation: One canal and six mini ponds will excavated during the project for preservation of rain water for dry season. Project will introduce polythene lining technology from Technology Park.

7. Wind power irrigation and solar irrigation: Efficient irrigation is mandatory for good production. Considering the low carbon farming concept, one solar irrigation system and one wind irrigation system will be installed.

8. Seed preservation: This is one of the proven activities for climate adaptive agriculture. Therefore seed of climate adaptive varieties need to be preserved properly. Besides this Community Resilience Centers will produce seed of saline tolerant varieties and sell those seed to the community as a business model, this will help Resilience Centers for their fund raising. Two seed preservation and drier centre will be developed  which will be maintained by CCRC.

9. Workshop with scientist and agricultural expert: Two workshops at local level with scientists and agricultural experts will be organized to exchange knowledge on innovative climate adaptive agricultural model and technologies .

10. Training workshop for market linkage with Private Sector: A total of 5 workshops with different business institutions and market players will be organized to develop the market linkage for agricultural and non agricultural produces.

11. Homestead Gardening:  A total of 200 families will be supported  for homestead gardening where different homestead based technologies will be installed like vertical gardening, pot and bag garden etc.

12. Tree Plantation:  A total of 2000 sapling will be provided  to 400 households so that beneficiaries can get different fruits for their food security as well as can protect them from wind and tidal surges.

13. Household Solar Lamp: A total of 20 solar home system will be provided to the  households who are living outside of the embankments.


Activity C2-1: Provide support for the construction of pond sand filters and rainwater harvesters to the most vulnerable people. Introduce solar water purifier systems.

1. Maintenance of Pond Sand Filter and management: A total of 48 meeting with local PSF management committee will be organized  for their capacity development and subscription collection from community.

2. Pond re-excavation for PSF: A total of 10 ponds will be re-excavated with local contribution for preserving of rain water where PSF is installed.

3. Solar water purifier and Water from Air: One solar water purifier machine and one Water producer machine from Air in the project area will be installed as a modern and new technology.

4. Rainwater Harvester: A total of 80 Rain water harvesters will provided  to the most vulnerable families who are living outside of the embankment where no other alternative options are available.

5. Establishing Participatory Water Governance System: For establishing sustainable access to water, A participatory water governance system will be introduced in the community through Community resilience Centre. In this process, project will identify all available water resources in the community and assign families for each water sources in a participatory way where all families will get water from their nearest sources. A systematic management system will be developed by the CCRC for the management of those water resources. To achieve this, CCRC will conduct 25 meeting with community people and local government. Finally this will be evolved as a model of water governance.














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